Thursday, August 28, 2008

Stop A Jumping Dog - Easy Steps To Dog Training

Jumping Dog - Jumping For Joy Or The Dominator!!

"Bad dog"..."Down boy"... I'm sure you have used these words and others to try and correct your dogs behavior. You were able to house train your dog, but now he won't stop jumping up on your friends...that have seemed to stop coming by. Can you really blame it all on your "bad dog"? There seem to be so many persistent problems that are robbing so many dog owners of the true enjoyment of dog ownership.

Your "bad dog" keeps ignoring commands, pulling on the leash, jumping up on people, manic barking...just to name a few. Any of them sound familar to you? And these are by no means the hardest ones to control. But they are still some of the most common. What frustration the dog owners feel when confronting these persistent and often embarrassing problems. After all, when you bought this dog you never dreamed you would have to deal with a dog that ignores all your commands.

But tell me something...Did you ever call your dog to "Come", just so you could punish it for doing something wrong? And then wonder why your dog refuses to "come" the next time you call him over to play. This may have worked for your father, when you did something wrong as a child. But your dog relates to things, and gathers together information together the best they can. And YOU just taught your dog that "Come" is a bad thing...a time for pain, or a punishment that they would rather avoid.

Consider when you let your dog to jump up on you when you arrive home after a long day of angry people at your work place, and more angry drivers on your commute home. It feels good to have someone that is really happy to see you and give you all the affection they know how to give!! But then an hour later a couple of your friends, still in their suits from work, stop by to visit. Your dog is then punished for jumping up and rubbing dirty paw prints on your friends $500 suit! Again, who's fault is it? You now have one confused sad dog laying in the corner of your yard, nor sure what he can and can't do.

And just so you know can teach your dog to know who, and when they can jump up, and when they can't. But I hope I gave you something to think about the next time you interact with your special friend. The real benefit of not having to deal with obedience issues is the fact that you (and your dog) can put all of your energy into making your relationship a fulfilling one. When things go right, you know, as I know, your life will be all the richer for the experience. And you can't emphasize that enough.


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